The Mega Drive Wars: A Son’s Tale – Why Sony Vita’s Games Will Destroy the Competition!

Snugly fitting into rucksacks, pockets, hand luggage and shopping bags, the Sony Vita provides superb, console-quality gaming in a portable package, of a sort that only my childhood imagination may have conjured up.
Why do we love the Sony PlayStation Vita? Simple. When you’re always going out, your gadgets and gizmos need maintain. This single, defining quality of our era is its speed. If they had one symbol to give face to this triumphant zeitgeist, with its higher velocity rate of change and impatient scientific breakthroughs, it would be that lightning bolt, challenging, expressionistic and intense.

Today there doesn’t seem time to indulge in anything which doesn’t yield immediate and spectacular results. In accordance with the restless spirit of this age of invention, technology has grown to become portable and phrases which include ‘on the go’ have leapt in the mouth of advertising doublespeak and in the lexicon of daily life, becoming a mantra for those with no time to spare. Can you imagine Michelangelo painting the Sistine church in 2011? Virtually no, people neither. He’d have Photoshopped it the night before and simply made a massive screen print. It would have been done before lunch or dinner and he’d have ended up off to his next meeting at that time. Don’t worry though; he’s on his mobile if you have any problems.

The Sony PlayStation Vita is such a perfect example of this era’s technology that it feels almost precision-engineered to help survive and proliferate within our harsh climate of upgrades, ideas and breakneck upheaval. Such as the first creature inside Cambrian ocean to develop eyes, the Sony PlayStation Vita is second only to the Apple iPod for an entertainment peripheral perfectly attuned for a turbulent modern lifestyle which sired it.

We love matches in this century; we’re addicted to them. So addicted, that we’re surely (together with hopefully) paving the way for immersive gaming revelations of the level of the Holodeck as affecting Star Trek. The rate of growth for these new different types of entertainment has been so rapid that your eyebrows will likely catch fire if you try to watch that go past. Your Sony PlayStation Vita speaks with the this discourse, since, even though it isn’t the most advanced gaming system out there, it is actually portable.

In a world characterised (quite possibly defined) by movement, when a restless, untamed, ever-in-motion generation wants entertainment, they want it to go with these. Its no good having a heavy PS3 at home when you’re always ‘on this go’. No, you want a plug-in-and-play experience that intend you all the exhilaration of modern gaming, which include graphics, sound and maddeningly complicated game engines, but you need it to move. Better yet, you need it to do, together with run fast. Within 2011, we’re living life at an incredible speed, your old is new along with the new is old because nobody gets the time to make that distinction. This is of everything and nothing may be indelibly blurred in the race to make sense of ourselves. People take our books, popular music, games and culture enjoy we take our coffees: to go. We’re that lightning bolt kids. the latest playstation handheld system from sony.